Weekend Workshops
Composing Weekend 12-14 Oct 2018 - TO BE RE SCHEDULED
Monday, July 2, 2018
Composing For Solo Guitar
A Residential Weekend Hosted By Gordon Giltrap
and Will McNicol
12 – 14 October 2018 - Woodside, Warwickshire
During my life of writing, recording and performing music for solo guitar, players have often asked me about the creative process of ‘Composition’ for guitar. To help provide an insight into this fascinating and rewarding subject, I have developed a learning event which will be held over a weekend in Warwickshire this October. I will be joined by Will McNicol who is both a talented guitarist and a dear friend. Will and I will also be supported during the weekend by Paul Roberts a successful and experienced RGT registered Guitar Tutor.
GG 2018.
Places are limited to 20 participants and the weekend will be of interest to any guitarist who wishes to write or improve their own compositions and to develop their innate creativity.
Areas to be covered will include:
- Why start composing and examples of how to approach it.
- Practical compositional tools including structure methods, melodic sequence and linking sections.
- A very personal insight from Gordon into how ‘Heartsong’ was created, and other shared examples from Gordon and Will.
- How to create images, colour and melodic emotion.
- Developing a set chord sequence as a group.
- Working in small groups with coaching from Gordon and Will
The style of the weekend will be informal and relaxed with plenty of time for individual reflection and one to one coaching.
The fee for the 3-day residential workshop is £500 per student and includes: Accommodation for 2 nights and all meals All learning materials All tuition For further information and payment details to secure a place, please email pcrguitar@gmail.com or call 07860 648068
Gordon Giltrap - www.giltrap.co.uk
Will McNicol - www.willmcnicol.co.uk
Woodside - http://www.sundialgroup.com/venues-hotels/woodside/overview