General News
March 2025 News Update
Saturday, March 1, 2025

Lots to report this month
Starfield EP
The Starfield EP is officially released at the end of February and our beloved webmaster Sue has already sent a newsletter to Airwaves members (joining link on homepage) and a special newsflash about the CD along with the links to my new online shop where you can pre order the CD and also a link to the beautiful video that was created quite a while back by Mark Day in memory of Hilary and featuring the truly sublime voice of Susy Wall.
There are FIVE brand new tracks for you to listen to on the CD.
A new version of 'The Dodo's Dream' re imagined by my dear friend Paul White.
'The Fox at Dawn' featuring the arranging skills of Mark Guyatt.
'Small Pockets' of joy a solo piece barely a year old.
'12 Towers at Dawn' an original solo acoustic piece brought to life by the great Italian Prog Musician Alessandro Corvaglia and of course 'Starfield vocal'.
The back story to all these pieces is outlined in the sleeve notes. The links below have already been released on social media and the response has been nothing short of breathtaking and it is really early days for this special tune.
Online Shop:
Starfield Vocal video: My YouTube channel
Concert news
My first concert of the year at the Wychwood Folk and Music club went well bearing in mind it was the first one of the year. I managed to get away with a rather interesting version of the 'Dodo's Dream' and literally forgot part of a section on 'Loren', a piece I have played countless times. I put it down to life pressures, tiredness and being old!!
I made a public apology on FB and folk were very kind and suggested I shouldn't beat myself up for just one tiny mistake bless them.
Two Parts Guitar Tour
The October dates for the Giltrap Etheridge tour are all but confirmed so do check them out and see if we are coming to a town near you!

Guitars for Sale
At some point this year I shall be parting with many of my prized instruments via a major auction house in Bath and I shall have more information about that next month so watch this space.
Albert Lee
I received a very touching letter from my dear old friend Albert Lee who didn't realise that my Hilary had passed away. Many of you will know that Albert is without doubt one if the greatest country rock guitarist on the face of the earth and I'm proud to call him my friend. He really really is a towering legend AND comes from the same part of town as me. Greenwich and Blackheath.

Birthday celebrations
Last month my beloved Susan celebrated her seventy first birthday. Sue and I have been friends for 36 years and she has brought love joy and laughter back into my world. I'm very very fortunate to have found love again at this time in my life.
Dylan Film
A few weeks back Susan and I went to the Everyman cinema in Stratford upon Avon to watch the Bob Dylan biopic 'A complete Unknown' and I can't begin to say how fantastic it was, and it truly captured the atmosphere of the early 60s folk scene in Greenwich Village.
Edward Norton played Pete Seeger superbly and even played the banjo and sang. A friend told me that my pal Clive Carroll recorded much of the banjo parts which were probably overdubbed at a later date. Timothée Chalamet who played Dylan was astonishing.

Carrie Martin guitar
A few months back I featured that amazing Dragon inlaid electric guitar that Carrie Martin found in a re-user shop near Hull. It was Carrie's birthday last month as well so I decided it should be gifted back to her. It plays and sounds great after a thorough clean up, set up and new strings. She plans to use part of the inlay image in future publicity. She used it for a photo session shortly after buying it and it was a great stage prop and set of the photo image a treat with her being so photogenic.
Another new recording
Mention was made last month of the recording sessions at Woodworm studios. Well, it's almost finished. The working title of the album at present is called 'Out Of The Silent Sky' taken from the writings of that great spiritual master and guru Paramahansa Yogananda. Its scheduled for release in May but once again watch this space.